Meet the Chef

Allow myself to introduce... myself. (Yes I know it's cheesy.  Shut up.)

My name is Christopher Gibson (not really) and I am the head chef here at the Dog Farts Cafe.  I will be responsible for the mental victuals being served up here at the Cafe. 

You probably clicked on this page while thinking to yourself "maybe this page will offer me a little insight into the awesomeness that is Christopher Gibson". I'll try not to disappoint.

First off, no my real name is not Christopher Gibson.  I can't tell you my real name because honestly, I don't want you to know.  I am a privacy nut (conspiracy theory much?) and if I told you my real name, you would probably steal my identity and ruin my credit and other stuff.

I really like cheese

My brain is a varitable alphabet soup of mental disorders of varying degrees.  I have been blessed (cursed?) with ADHD, OCD, TS (Tourette Syndrome), clinical depression, and probably some other things that I don't want to know about.  I love to write, but don't do it often enough because a.) it takes time and b.) there is usually too much noise in my brain to form coherent thoughts.

I don't really like to talk about myself, of course other than to say how awesome I am (it doesn't take a clinical psychologist to see a severe lack of self esteem here, pay attention people).  If you have any questions, please email me and I might answer them (but don't be surprised or hurt if I don't, it just depends on how personal the question is, and what kind of mood I am in at the time).